


Family: Bufonidae (True Toads)

Genus: Anaxyrus (North American Toads)

Color variable, though usually a rusty-red. Skin dry with 1-2 warts per dark spot (some individuals without spots). Chest speckled with black. ⚠ Parotoid gland kidney-shaped and separated from eye ridge or attached by spur. Known to hybridize with other True Toads. Call a melodic trill. Audio  
Color variable, though usually shades of brown. Skin dry with 3 or more warts per dark spot. Chest usually plain or with one breast spot. ⚠ Parotoid gland oval-shaped and touching eye ridge. Known to hybridize with other True Toads. Call a short "whaaat". Audio  

Family: Hylidae (Treefrogs)

Genera: Acris (Cricket Frogs), Hyla (Holarctic Treefrogs), and Pseudacris (Chorus Frogs)

Small. Highly variable in color (browns, grays, greens, etc.) and pattern (plain, mottled, etc.). Back of head with darker triangular mark (not always obvious). Upper lip with 4-5 dark bars (not always obvious). Call cricket-like clicks, or as though two small pebbles were being chipped together. Audio  
Rare. Highly variable and can change colors, but usually shades of green and/or gray. Toe pads sticky. Skin smooth. Inside of legs yellowish-green. White spot under eye. Call bird-like with 2-5 whistles per second. Audio Special Status
Species of Gray Treefrog Complex (diploid). Highly variable and can change colors, but usually shades of green and/or gray. Toe pads sticky. Skin granular. Inside of legs bright yellowish-orange. White spot under eye. Call a fast trill. Audio  
Color bright green with a prominent white stripe from upper lip to thigh. Toe pads sticky. Skin smooth. Call a duck-like quack. Audio  
Rare with only a couple of confirmed localities in the vicinity of El Dorado. Color green or brown. Light ⚠ dorsal spots and vague stripe along the side may be present. Toe pads sticky. Skin smooth. Call a nasally, buzzing quack. Audio Special Status
Species of Gray Treefrog Complex (tetraploid). Highly variable and can change colors, but usually shades of green and/or gray. Toe pads sticky. Skin granular. Inside of legs bright yellowish-orange. White spot under eye. Call a slow trill. Audio  
Small. Color varying shades of tan and brown. Darker cross pattern on back. Toe pads sticky. Call in early spring a loud "peep". Audio  
Small. Color grays and browns. Dark stripe from snout to groin. 3 dark, thin (and usually broken) ⚠ dorsal stripes. Upper lip light. Call a "thumbnail raking a plastic comb" (from low to high pitch). Audio  
Rare (known only from extreme NE AR). Color grayish or tanish. Dark, irregular ⚠ dorsal blotches; sometimes very faint or not present. Dark stripe from eye to shoulder. Groin often yellow. Call a bell-like whistle. Special Status
Rare with the only confirmed AR specimens from the vicinity of Pea Ridge, Benton County. Small. Color grays and browns. Dark stripe from snout to groin. 3 dark, thin (and usually broken) ⚠ dorsal stripes. Upper lip light. Call a "thumbnail raking a plastic comb" (from low to high pitch); noticeably faster pulse rate than P. fouquettei. Special Status
Rare. Color grayish or tanish. Dark, irregular ⚠ dorsal blotches; sometimes very faint or not present. Dark stripe from eye to shoulder. Groin often yellow. Call a bell-like whistle. Audio Special Status

Family: Microhylidae (Microhylid Frogs and Toads)

Genus: Gastrophryne (North American Narrow-mouthed Toads)

Small and squat. Mottled brown. Belly mottled black and gray. Head small and very pointed. Fold of skin behind eyes. Call a loud, long "baaaw of a dying sheep". Audio  
Rare. Small and squat. Light gray (sometimes with a few small black specks). Belly plain. Head small and very pointed. Fold of skin behind eyes. Call a short "peep" followed by an "angry bee" buzz. Special Status

Family: Ranidae (True Frogs)

Genus: Lithobates (American Water Frogs)

Rare. Large. Covered in large, dark spots ringed with light borders. ⚠ Dorsolateral fold. Call a loud, deep "snoring hog". Audio Special Status
Subspecies: Southern Crawfish Frog (L. a. areolatus) Special Status and Northern Crawfish Frog (L. a. circulosus) Special Status
Rare. Background color shades of brown (never green) and always spotted like a "leopard". Spots round and random. Dark spot on snout. Light spot on ⚠ tympanum. Distinct light line on upper lip. Dark bars on back legs. ⚠ Dorsolateral fold broken near groin. Inside thigh yellowish. Call a series of 2-3 throaty "gulps". Special Status
Very large as adult. Green or brown (usually rather patternless). ⚠ Tympanum large with fold of skin wrapping around it. ⚠ Dorsolateral fold absent. Call a low-pitched "bellowing bull". Audio  
Very large as adult. Green or bronze (usually rather patternless). ⚠ Tympanum large. ⚠ Dorsolateral fold present. Call a "loose banjo string". Audio  
Metallic-like sheen. Light gray, tan, or yellowish background with leopard-like dark spots. Spots on back squarish and paired. Dark bars on back legs. Inside thigh yellowish. ⚠ Dorsolateral fold. Call a quiet, low-pitched, 1-2 second "snore".  
Color shades of green or brown and always spotted like a "leopard". Spots round and random. No dark spot on snout. No distinct spot on ⚠ tympanum. Light line on upper lip. Dark bars on back legs. ⚠ Dorsolateral fold not broken (or, if broken, in the same line). Inside thigh not yellowish. Call a series of quiet "chuckling quacks". Audio  
Rare. Tan with a distinctive black "mask" and light upper lip. ⚠ Dorsolateral folds. Call a quiet "hoarse duck". Audio Special Status

Family: Scaphiopodidae (North American Spadefoots)

Genera: Scaphiopus (North American Spadefoots) and Spea (Western Spadefoots)

Rare. Color variable, but usually brownish. Two light ⚠ dorsal lines. Skin moist. ⚠ Parotoid glands not obvious. No raised bump between eyes. Eye pupils vertically elliptical. Dark "spade" on bottom of foot long and sickle-shaped. Call a loud "grunt". Special Status
Rare. Color variable, but usually greenish. Two light ⚠ dorsal lines. Skin moist. ⚠ Parotoid glands not obvious. Raised bump between and slightly behind eyes. Eye pupils vertically elliptical. Dark "spade" on bottom of foot sickle-shaped. Call a loud "grunt". Audio Special Status
Rare with only 4 known localities in AR. Color grayish or bluish with small, red spots. Skin moist. ⚠ Parotoid glands not obvious. Raised bump between eyes. Eye pupils vertically elliptical. Dark "spade" on bottom of foot rounded. Call a short "snore". Audio Special Status

~ Potential Occurrence ~

Hybridizes readily with other True Toads and a pure AR specimen may not be obtainable. Color variable, though usually grayish. Skin dry with the number of warts variable (1 or more) per dark spot. Chest usually plain. ⚠ Parotoid gland oval-shaped and touching eye ridge. Known to hybridize with other True Toads. Call a short "whaaat".  
Rare with no known breeding populations in AR. (Single vouchered specimen from Union County was likely the result of stocking a lake with fish from Louisiana.) Color variable, but with dark ⚠ lateral stripe bordered above by light stripe. Skin dry and warty. Parotoid glad triangular with eye crests forming a deep crease on head. Call a series of "wooden rattle" trills.  
Rare with no vouchered specimen for AR. Background color a shade of gray or green. Spots typically green and bordered in black. Usually a triangular-shaped spot behind eyes. Call a rasping "rrrack-rrrack-rrrack".  
Rare with no vouchered specimen for AR. Small. Color grays and browns. Dark stripe from snout to groin. 3 dark, thin (and usually broken) ⚠ dorsal stripes. Upper lip light. Call a "thumbnail raking a plastic comb" (from low to high pitch); noticeably faster pulse rate than P. fouquettei.  

~ Unidentified ~

⚠ (:flickrgallery tags="Frog_Unidentified":)
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