Herps of Arkansas
⚠ Herps are reptiles and amphibians. The word derives from the Greek herpeton for "reptile" and herpein "to crawl". These lower life forms, the ⚠ ectothermic tetrapods, were historically grouped into a single field of study: herpetology. In regard to physical appearance, amphibians typically have slimy, scaleless skin while reptiles have dry, scaly skin. However, greater disparity is observed in their respective standard life cycles. Amphibians live a "double life": gelatinous eggs are laid in water, ⚠ larva are simple and ⚠ aquatic before undergoing ⚠ metamorphosis , with adults living terrestrially. Reptiles lay a complex, shelled, amniotic egg on land, with young hatching as miniatures of the adults.
 Arkansas is a state rich in natural habitats and the 119 total reptile and amphibian species are a reflection of that diversity. While many species, such as the commonplace ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Lithobates catesbeianus" text="American Bullfrog" termclass="" link="Frog/Lithobates catesbeianus":) , ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Terrapene carolina" text="Three-toed Box Turtle" termclass="" link="Turtle/Terrapene carolina":) , and ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Pantherophis obsoletus" text="Western Ratsnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Pantherophis obsoletus":) , occur in suitable habitats state-wide, others are confined to specific geographic regions. In the Ozark Plateaus, for example, one might catch a glimpse of the bright orange ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Eurycea lucifuga" text="Cave Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Eurycea lucifuga":) at the mouth of a limestone cave. In the Ouachita Mountains, one might cross the impressive, though rarely seen, ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Crotalus atrox" text="Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Crotalus atrox":) in rocky and rugged terrain, or perhaps turn a log at higher elevation to find a true Arkansas endemic: the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Plethodon fourchensis" text="Fourche Mountain Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Plethodon fourchensis":) . In the West Gulf Coastal Plain, one might find the diminutive ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Eurycea quadridigitata" text="Dwarf Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Eurycea quadridigitata":) within damp leaf litter. In the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain, heavy spring rains will bring out the plump and boisterous ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Scaphiopus holbrookii" text="Eastern Spadefoot" termclass="" link="Frog/Scaphiopus holbrookii":) . The geologically isolated Crowley's Ridge is still home to the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Carphophis amoenus" text="Midwestern Wormsnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Carphophis amoenus":) , although the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Desmognathus conanti" text="Spotted Dusky Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Desmognathus conanti":) is likely now ⚠ extirpated from the same region due to habitat alterations. A few prairie-adapted species of the Southwest, such as the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Plestiodon obsoletus" text="Great Plains Skink" termclass="" link="Lizard/Plestiodon obsoletus":) , just edge into the state. Two exotic/introduced species, the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Hemidactylus turcicus" text="Mediterranean Gecko" termclass="" link="Lizard/Hemidactylus turcicus":) and ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Desmognathus monticola" text="Seal Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Desmognathus monticola":) , and known to have established breeding populations in the state.
 As you may have now heard or read, frogs are in desperate peril! A highly-infectious chytrid fungus has spread worldwide and has decimated frog populations without mercy wherever it goes. (Sadly, it has already played a part in the ⚠ extinction of over 160 species in recent years!) Yet, while frogs are faced with this ominous, real-life silent spring, the 25 species found in Arkansas have thus far avoided any obvious calls for alarm. There should, however, continue to be monitoring and concern, as it would be a true shame to lose our vocal little friends: the harbingers of spring and melodic soundtracks for warm summer nights. One need not go far during the warmer months to enjoy their presence by sight or sound. Many who keep a porch-light lit have a resident toad or two, such as the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Anaxyrus fowleri" text="Fowler's Toad" termclass="" link="Frog/Anaxyrus fowleri":) , who eagerly slurp up insects attracted to the light and in the morning leave little pelleted-presents on the sidewalk. Difficult to see as they climb through the foliage with sticky toe-pads, but commonly heard are the ⚠ arboreal treefrogs, such as the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Hyla cinerea" text="Green Treefrog" termclass="" link="Frog/Hyla cinerea":) (shown left). Below one's feet are the highly ⚠ fossorial , ant-eating narrow-mouthed toads, such as the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Gastrophryne carolinensis" text="Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad" termclass="" link="Frog/Gastrophryne carolinensis":) . Numerous species of ⚠ aquatic true frogs, including the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Lithobates sphenocephalus" text="Coastal Plains Leopard Frog" termclass="" link="Frog/Lithobates sphenocephalus":) , splish-splash into the water as one walks along the shoreline of a pond. Finally, there are the burrowing spadefoots, such as the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Scaphiopus hurterii" text="Hurter's Spadefoot" termclass="" link="Frog/Scaphiopus hurterii":) , that emerge only during heavy rains to breed and feed in explosive fashion, and then disappear for another year.
 The group with the greatest diversity, but perhaps least appreciated, are the salamanders. A total of 32 species occur in Arkansas. The plump, aptly-named mole salamanders are represented, among others, by a fall breeder of the Ozarks Plateaus: the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Ambystoma annulatum" text="Ringed Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Ambystoma annulatum":) (shown right). Truly eel-like in appearance and fully ⚠ aquatic (although not closely related) are the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Amphiuma tridactylum" text="Three-toed Amphiuma" termclass="" link="Salamander/Amphiuma tridactylum":) and ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Siren intermedia" text="Western Lesser Siren" termclass="" link="Salamander/Siren intermedia":) . Another grotesquely-beautiful ⚠ aquatic species of cold, pristine rivers in northeastern Arkansas is the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Cryptobranchus alleganiensis" text="Ozark Hellbender" termclass="" link="Salamander/Cryptobranchus alleganiensis":) which has experienced alarming declines in recent times and is, in fact, in serious danger of ⚠ extinction . It should, however, not be confused with the more common, though similar-looking, ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Necturus maculosus" text="Red River Mudpuppy" termclass="" link="Salamander/Necturus maculosus":) . A large, diverse group of plethodontid lungless salamanders include the likes of the ghostly, cave-dwelling ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Eurycea spelaea" text="Grotto Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Eurycea spelaea":) , the aptly-named ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Hemidactylium scutatum" text="Four-toed Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Hemidactylium scutatum":) (for front and back feet), and the glue-extruding ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Plethodon albagula" text="Western Slimy Salamander" termclass="" link="Salamander/Plethodon albagula":) . A final representative would be the granular-skinned ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Notophthalmus viridescens" text="Central Newt" termclass="" link="Salamander/Notophthalmus viridescens":) , which has a unique, ⚠ terrestrial teenage ( ⚠ eft ) life cycle stage before returning to the water full-time in adulthood.
 Arkansas's largest reptile is the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Alligator mississippiensis" text="American Alligator" termclass="" link="Alligator/Alligator mississippiensis":) . While its ancient, 40-foot long relatives from over 100 million years ago were literally dinosaur-eaters, today's relatives come in well short of this on size, but perhaps matched in reputation. In reality, Alligators are extremely leery of humans and direct confrontations (at least those initiated by Alligators) are almost unheard of; an exception being made for females who will guard their nests quite fiercely against any perceived threat. By the early 1970's, the truly fearsome (us humans!) had nearly turned the tables so that the population of Alligators in the state had dropped to a mere couple thousand. A conservation effort was initiated to bolster the numbers and reestablish their range with stock from Louisiana. The species responded, so that today it is relatively common in suitable swampy habitats in the southern half of the state. Even as it retains federal protection, a heavily-regulated hunting season was initiated in 2007.
 The 12 species of Arkansas lizards, although few in number, represent several disparate families. Along with the snakes, they comprise a biological group called the squamates (which modern phylogenies recognize as the only true, ⚠ extant reptiles). There is the legless and snake-like ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Ophisaurus attenuatus" text="Western Slender Glass Lizard" termclass="" link="Lizard/Ophisaurus attenuatus":) . On open glades of the Ozark Plateaus and Ouachita Mountains one might spot a colorful male ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Crotaphytus collaris" text="Eastern Collared Lizard" termclass="" link="Lizard/Crotaphytus collaris":) (shown right) perched atop a lookout rock where it will bask and chase away competitors. The well-camouflaged, rough-scaled ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Sceloporus consobrinus" text="Prairie Lizard" termclass="" link="Lizard/Sceloporus consobrinus":) is a rather typical, though successful, lizard species that ranges across half of the continental United States. For a change, one might consider the "American Chameleon" (more properly called a ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Anolis carolinensis" text="Green Anole" termclass="" link="Lizard/Anolis carolinensis":) ), which has an amazing ability to match backgrounds of brown, gray, or green. Several smooth-scaled species of skink, including the common ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Plestiodon fasciatus" text="Five-lined Skink" termclass="" link="Lizard/Plestiodon fasciatus":) , may scurry through the leaf litter and are well-known for their easily detachable tails which wiggle independently as a distraction for would-be predators. Then there is the speedster, the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Aspidoscelis sexlineata" text="Prairie Racerunner" termclass="" link="Lizard/Aspidoscelis sexlineata":) , that even carries racing stripes!
 The most maligned and least understood are the snakes. While many, out of fear, consider the only good snake as a dead snake, others value their uniqueness, beauty, and rightful place in the natural world. Of the 38 total species that occur in the state, only 6 are ⚠ venomous . The ⚠ venomous pitvipers, such as the moccasins ( ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Agkistrodon contortrix" text="Southern Copperhead" termclass="" link="Snake/Agkistrodon contortrix":) and ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Agkistrodon piscivorus" text="Western Cottonmouth" termclass="" link="Snake/Agkistrodon piscivorus":) ) and rattle-bearing rattlesnakes ( ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Crotalus atrox" text="Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Crotalus atrox":) , ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Crotalus horridus" text="Timber Rattlesnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Crotalus horridus":) , and ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Sistrurus miliarius" text="Western Pygmy Rattlesnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Sistrurus miliarius":) ), have heat-sensing pits and long foldable fangs through which they inject ⚠ venom to subdue their prey. The rare and mesmerizing ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Micrurus tener" text="Texas Gulf-Coast Coralsnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Micrurus tener":) (shown left) is a timid and secretive ⚠ venomous , front-fixed-fanged snake of the extreme southwestern part of the state. The super-group colubrids include such diverse species as the lightning-fast ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Coluber constrictor" text="North American Racer" termclass="" link="Snake/Coluber constrictor":) , to the ⚠ arboreal and insect-eating ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Opheodrys aestivus" text="Northern Rough Greensnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Opheodrys aestivus":) , and even the smallest species in the state, the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Tantilla gracilis" text="Flat-headed Snake" termclass="" link="Snake/Tantilla gracilis":) . While gardening, one might turn up the smallish, collared ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Diadophis punctatus" text="Ring-necked Snake" termclass="" link="Snake/Diadophis punctatus":) with its belly of bright yellows, oranges, and reds. Along the waterways, one is likely to encounter one of several species of nonvenomous, fish-eating water snakes, such as the common and dull-colored ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Nerodia erythrogaster" text="Plain-bellied Watersnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Nerodia erythrogaster":) . Even in town, one will occasionally spot a striped ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Thamnophis sirtalis" text="Eastern Gartersnake" termclass="" link="Snake/Thamnophis sirtalis":) darting through the grass.
 Modern turtles can trace their lineage back 220 million years! The basic body plan, with its protective bony shell (but at the expense of greater speed), has obviously proven to be a successful design. Arkansas has 16 representative species, most of which are ⚠ semiaquatic to ⚠ aquatic . The large and powerful snapping turtles, including the monstrous ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Macrochelys temminckii" text="Alligator Snapping Turtle" termclass="" link="Turtle/Macrochelys temminckii":) , are formidable predators and one is well-advised to steer clear of their strong bite! Several species of water turtles, such as the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Graptemys ouachitensis" text="Southern Map Turtle" termclass="" link="Turtle/Graptemys ouachitensis":) , are renowned baskers that will plop off logs into the water at the slightest of provocations. In this group is also the commonplace ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Trachemys scripta" text="Red-eared Slider" termclass="" link="Turtle/Trachemys scripta":) , infamous for the Salmonella-spreading babies sold in the pet trade of the 1970's. The two species of box turtles, such as the uncommon, prairie-dwelling ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Terrapene ornata" text="Ornate Box Turtle" termclass="" link="Turtle/Terrapene ornata":) , are the only true ⚠ terrestrial turtles found in the state. Digging through the muck at the bottom of lakes and ponds, one will find the mud and musk turtles, including a state favorite: the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Sternotherus carinatus" text="Razor-backed Musk Turte" termclass="" link="Turtle/Sternotherus carinatus":) . For a true spin on the turtle design, the highly ⚠ aquatic and swift-swimming softshells, such as the ⚠ (:gloss term="HP Apalone spinifera" text="Spiny Softshell" termclass="" link="Turtle/Apalone spinifera":) (shown right), have flat, rubbery shells of mostly cartilage.
⚠ Herps of Arkansas
Mission Statement
The mission of this website is to distribute and share knowledge regarding the naturally occurring reptiles and amphibians of Arkansas. Efforts will be made to dispel misconceptions and fears. Information will be presented in a healthy, environmentally-conscious manner to promote the beauty, fascination, and value of these spectacular animals!
This website is targeted toward:
- Anyone who has a general interest in our natural world and
⚠ herptiles in particular.
- Anyone who has a question about snakes (or other
⚠ herptiles ) and is wanting it answered by people who really know.
- Students who are looking for information to include in book reports, presentations, etc.
- Professionals, semi-professionals, and knowledgeable amateurs who wish to share and distribute knowledge.
This website has been developed around the concept of community. The Forum provides a place for people to make announcements, ask questions, start discussions, offer feedback, and share knowledge. New visitors are encouraged to register on the Forum so they can introduce themselves and get started. Most site pages are editable by forum members through the use of a Wiki interface. Members are encouraged to contribute their own additions, corrections, and improvements to the site content. Members are also encouraged to submit their relevant photographs to the site's Flickr Group for inclusion in the species picture galleries.
Arkansas Herpetological Societies
- The Arkansas Herpetological Society (AHS) focuses on the appreciation, research, and education of native species. Sponsored events include two field trips per year. There is no formal membership.
- The Central Arkansas Herpetological Society (CAHS) focuses on the
⚠ herpetocultural aspects of keeping and breeding exotic species. Meetings take place monthly in Little Rock.
- FrogWatch USA™, Arkansas Chapters, is a citizen science program of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) that provides individuals, groups, and families with an opportunity to learn about wetlands in their communities and report data on the calls of local frogs and toads.
Copyrighted Materials
Photographs and other materials presented on this website are used by permission of individual copyright holders. Requests to use photographs (or other materials) for purposes outside of this venue should be directed to the individual copyright holders. Contact the webmaster for assistance should you need help contacting a copyright holder.
This website is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. It makes no guarantees as to the accuracy, usefulness, or completeness of information. Animal handling techniques as presented in pictures and/or text should not be considered an adequate substitute for proper training and experience, nor should one assume these always represent best practices. If you choose to handle--or come into close proximity to--reptiles or amphibians you do so at your own risk.