Arkansas Herpetological Atlas 2019
This species is represented by 223 records from 21 sources: 197 museum (), 0 literature (
), 0 research (
), and 19 observation (
), with 7 additional Trauth et al. (2004) locality points remaining unsourced (
). It has been museum vouchered for 22 of 75 counties (
), with 4 additional counties having other forms of reported occurrence (
). Years of collection range from 1934 to present.
This species occurs in the southwest quarter of the state, along the Arkansas Valley, and the White and Little Red River valleys in northcentral Arkansas. A small number of records dated prior to 1978 come from northwest Arkansas, but with recent surveys suggesting extirpation (K. G. Roberts, pers. obs., and J. D. Willson, pers. comm.). Scaphiopus holbrookii and S. hurterii were formerly considered synonymous, so spotty occurrences along the Mississippi River in eastcentral and southeast Arkansas may lack taxonomic clarity. A Scaphiopus record attributed to Jefferson County (RAD 1946, undated) provides minimal data.