Species: P. streckeri (Strecker’s Chorus Frog) and P. illinoensis (Illinois Chorus Frog)

Arkansas Herpetological Atlas 2019
Pseudacris streckeri
This species is represented by 165 records from 13 sources: 131 museum (), 0 literature (
), 0 research (
), and 30 observation (
), with 4 additional Trauth et al. (2004) locality points remaining unsourced (
). It has been museum vouchered for 10 of 75 counties (
), with 3 additional counties having other forms of reported occurrence (
). Years of collection range from 1955 to 2018.
This species occurs primarily along the Arkansas Valley in what are now predominantly agricultural bottomlands. Records from Polk County (OSUCOV 1613 from 1964) and White County (MPM 19070 from 1980) are questionable and warrant reexamination. Occurrence in northwest Arkansas cannot be completely discounted on the basis of a historical record from Delaware County, Oklahoma, (OSUCOV 2957 from 1940) and anecdotal call surveys (K. G. Roberts, pers. obs., 2000s).

Pseudacris illinoensis
This species is represented by 181 records from 5 sources: 179 museum (), 0 literature (
), 0 research (
), and 2 observation (
). It has been museum vouchered for 1 of 75 counties (
). Years of collection range from 1965 to 2016.
This species occupies only the former sand prairies of extreme eastern Clay County, which have now been entirely converted to intensive row crop agriculture.