Color shades of green or brown and always spotted like a leopard. Spots round and random. No dark spot on snout. No distinct spot on tympanum. Light line on upper lip. Dark bars on back legs. Dorsolateral folds not broken—or, if broken, in the same line. Inside thigh not very yellowish. Call a series of quiet chuckling quacks and growls.
Arkansas Herpetological Atlas 2019
This species is represented by 2,541 records from 40 sources: 2,284 museum (), 0 literature (
), 0 research (
), and 173 observation (
), with 84 additional Trauth et al. (2004) locality points remaining unsourced (
). It has been museum vouchered for all counties (
). Years of collection range from 1898 to present.
This species is common statewide.