Hyla avivoca avivoca
Western Bird-voiced Treefrog

Rare. Highly variable and can change colors, but usually shades of green and/or gray. Toe pads sticky. Skin smooth. Inside of legs yellowish-green. White spot under eye. Call bird-like with 2-5 whistles per second. Species account on iNaturalist

Arkansas Game & Fish Commission
Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Arkansas Herpetological Atlas 2019

This species is represented by 193 records from 9 sources: 142 museum (), 9 literature (), 0 research (), and 38 observation (), with 4 additional Trauth et al. (2004) locality points remaining unsourced (). It has been museum vouchered for 18 of 75 counties (), with 4 additional counties having other forms of reported occurrence (). Years of collection range from 1962 to 2017.

This species has a somewhat spotty distribution based on available records. The lone occurrence in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (ASUMZ 6135 from 1991) may warrant further confirmation. Additional surveys are likely to reveal a wider distribution in the South Central Plains than is currently recognized.